vanilla beans « Nourou» from Comoros

Calibrage / Calibration : 18 - 22 Cm

Taux de vanilline/ Vanillin level : 2,4% (minimum)

Taux d'humidité/ Humidity level: entre 20 et 30 %

Année récolte / Harvest year : 2022

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Starting at $11.00

Description :

Let yourself be seduced by the exquisite aroma of our Comoros Bourbon Vanilla Beans. Each pack contains the highest quality vanilla beans, grown in the Comoros archipelago by a family renowned for producing some of the world's finest vanilla. Our vanilla is carefully selected to meet the most demanding quality criteria.

Key characteristics :

- Vanillin content 2.4% (minimum): Our vanilla is rich in vanillin, the compound that gives it its distinctive, delicious flavour.

- Moisture content 20-30%: Our vanilla beans are dried to perfection to preserve their freshness while avoiding excess moisture.

- Sizing 18-22 Cm: Each pod is carefully selected to ensure optimum size, ideal for extracting vanilla efficiently.

Uses :

Our Comoros Bourbon Vanilla beans are perfect for a variety of cooking uses, including:

- Dessert preparation: Infuse your desserts, ice creams and pastries with the natural flavour of vanilla.

- Savoury cooking: Surprise your savoury dishes by adding a subtle touch of vanilla for a unique taste experience.

- Patisserie: Use vanilla in creams, sauces and icings for an unrivalled flavour.

- Drinks: Add a pod to your hot drinks, cocktails or infusions for an exquisite taste.

Why choose our Comoros Bourbon Vanilla Beans?

- Superior quality: Our vanilla beans are harvested by hand with the greatest care, to offer you exceptional quality.

- Authentic origin: Directly from the Comoros archipelago, the birthplace of Bourbon vanilla.

- Intense aroma: With a minimum vanillin content of 1.8%, our vanilla gives off a powerful, bewitching aroma.

- Culinary versatility: Turn your dishes into culinary masterpieces with our premium vanilla.